Welcome to Dough Your Own Pizza



This is a new and exciting brand in stores now!

Enjoy the flexibility that Dough Your Own Pizza offers and check back for some recipe ideas and best tips!

Create your MASTERPIZZA at home!

You’d be forgiven for thinking that #DoughYourOwnPizza was a product of the times, it really wasn’t.

We’ve been developing this product for over 18 months now!

We changed logo twice, packaging designs multiple times, and even packaging construction four times.

We then pitched our brand to Sir Tom Hunter and won an award in entrepreneurship from The Hunter Foundation.

All you have to do is defrost the dough and sauce.

Roll it out to your desired size and shape, add your favourite topping and bake in the oven till gold and crispy.

Great meal, great fun and (makes a 12 inch pizza).

The best ingredients

The best taste

Create your own


Well, not much actually. Our dough uses six ingredients. Three of those are flour, water and salt! If it begins with an E, you’ll not see it in our silver packet!

Know what you’re eating with

